
These are the books I am currently working on. The Siege of 2020 has been released and available on Amazon.

The Siege of 2020 is available in paperback, hard cover and Kindle.


Where is life in 21st century leading to?

Do you hear the four horsemen of the apocalypse galloping?

Christ said he would take back His kingdom…

”it is near – at the doors!” (Matt. 24:33)

Has the time come!?

Economic collapse, rapidly declining morals, racial and economic inequality, an apostate church, and a global vacuum for strong leadership are some of the headlines that mark the beginning of the twenty first century. By the end of the second decade, “unprecedented” and “uncertain” times would become the words on everybody’s lips.

With the current pandemic, it seems those times are fast approaching… Faster than any living being could’ve seen coming – but ancient prophets did. Could it be that the prophecy is upon us – TODAY?

The Siege of 2020 features mind-blowing facts that’ll open your eyes to truths no one else dares to share! There are some repetitive historical patterns of the last 120 years, and after reading this powerful book you’ll start questioning if the current tragic events happening in the world are just a coincidence…

This debut work by Wesley Bryant places the coronavirus in a historical pattern – a repetitive pattern that is setting the stage for biblical end-times events. The world events that are happening and developing now and are unquestionably biblical prophecy playing out in full view.

The Siege of 2020 takes the reader on a tour of 6000 years of biblical history and evil being unleashed. As you travel back in time, you’ll find a historical, fact-based perspective on where we are today in God’s plan.

To gain a better understanding of this rather complex subject, the author explores topics such as:

  • The history of Christianity and the church and how it ended up where if it today.
  • Four unbelievable historical and repetitive patterns of the past 120 years.
  • How the patterns have unfolded just as the prophets predicted.
  • The current global predicament through the lens of historical events.
  • Economic consequences of closing and restricting businesses and travel in many countries due to the pandemic.
  • An amended financial system and in many cases religious change or reformation…

…all as a direct indicator that the times we are now living in are undeniably prophetic.

Now Available   See Amazon

Discover the all important patterns of God’s Word. Threads takes you through many biblical topics showing how they are all attached to their own common thread of truth.

The book is in its last stage of writing and expected to be released late 2021. Stay tuned to this blog for occasional updates, and perhaps some sneak previews as the book progresses.

The Bible provides ample information for us to gain an understanding of our own makeup, how the human being is designed to function, and the divine order that has been put in place to govern those functions.

Of course, this divine order is not how humans have been functioning for most of its existence. I am going to start however where the human functions and the order was established.

To help us understand I am going to use an image that will illustrate these functions and their operations. Sam will be that image, and will demonstrate how God’s Word lays this out for us. So let’s look at the beginning in God’s Word.

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Coming soon projects will display here.