Category: Books

  • Check Out My Blogs

    I am going to resume my blog posts on a regular basis. I am asking everyone on my list to reply that they have received this. I want to make sure everything is working and some are not going into spam email folders. Please email me at and say “Got It” Thank you…Wesley

  • Vaccines and Recycling

    What in the world does garbage recycling have to do with COVID vaccinations? An intriguing analogy of how humans have been slowly conditioned – AND it works. Have another sneak-peek at Wesley’s The Siege of 2020. Get the book while it has a promotional price tag! The Siege of 2020 – Sneak-Peek (Regime Change – Setting the…


    Why are there so many denominations? And what started this trend? There is one common and underlying doctrine that is at the root of the fractured church. The Siege of 2020 uncovers this doctrine and explains its origins, and the devastating consequences of its teaching. The Siege of 2020 – Sneak-Peek (The Forgotten Ancient Paths…

  • What Is The Story Of This Chart?

    Since the middle of the twentieth century something has been happening that has only one explanation. The following excerpt from The Siege of 2020 will help clear up this mystery. The Siege of 2020 – Sneak-Peek (The Patterns of Israel) Once again, Jesus was speaking to the Jews within the religious culture of the Hebrew…

  • Two Great Men

    Who were these men, and what was their message? Four-thousand years separated the utterances of Moses and George Washington who brought to the people the same prophetic message: “But it shall come to pass, if you do not obey the voice of the Lord your God, to observe carefully all His commandments and His statutes which I command…

  • Coming soon!

    The Siege of 2020 is on its way. Stay tuned for a release date and pre-release purchase options.


    Discover the all important patterns of God’s Word. Threads takes you through many biblical topics showing how they are all attached to their own common thread of truth. The book is in its last stage of writing and expected to be released late 2021. Stay tuned to this blog for occasional updates, and perhaps some…

  • The Siege of 2020

    The Siege of 2020

    The Siege of 2020 to be released in paperback and Kindle early 2021. Economic collapse, rapidly declining morals, racial and economic inequality, an apostate church, and a global vacuum for strong leadership are some of the headlines that mark the beginning of the twenty first century. By the end of the second decade, “unprecedented” and…