Category: Study Bites


    Lesson Three – The Flesh “This is a hard saying; who can understand it?” (John 6:60), said His disciples, and many of them walked away as they were offended by what Jesus was telling them. Perhaps it was not that they didn’t understand, but refused to accept the truth of their condition. Our Lord went on…


    Lesson Two – The Fallen Human Condition Man’s Dilemma Sam now finds it difficult to determine God’s will, or even his own spirit’s lead. Confusion has set in and now he relies on his outside world for direction. His soul and body will now influence most of his behavior. The “mistress” has been shunned with…


    Lesson One – The Fallen Human Condition What Happened? We will return to the story of creation for a moment, as it was only a short time after Adam received God’s breath of life that death became a reality. According to Archbishop Ussher 1 of the 17th century the creation of the world is dated…


    Lesson 3 – The Spirit In the last lesson we saw that the human being has been provided with laws that assist in the governing of its operation. These laws have been misplaced for most of man’s history, but before we move on to that story, let’s look at how these laws are meant to…

  • THE OLD MAN PART I – (2)

    Lesson 2 – Divine Order In the biblical creation story, there was a close relationship between the Creator and the created, God supplied all of his needs for survival, gave him the job of having dominion, and gave him a partner, Eve. This gives us an idea of the order the Creator had set in…

  • THE OLD MAN – PART I (1)

    Lesson 1 – Created Man The Bible provides ample information for us to gain an understanding of our own makeup, how the human being is designed to function, and the divine order that has been put in place to govern those functions. Of course, this divine order is not how humans have been functioning for…

  • Introduction to “The Old Man”

    This first series will be about “The Old Man”, and will commence the first week in January, 2021. Who is this old man, and how do we respond to him in our daily lives? Of course, the term “old man” is used generically, and a biblical term that refers to a human being and is…

  • The Post of the Day

    The Post of the Day

    Hi, This is today’s post. Stay tuned for the next one.