Why are there so many denominations? And what started this trend?

There is one common and underlying doctrine that is at the root of the fractured church. The Siege of 2020 uncovers this doctrine and explains its origins, and the devastating consequences of its teaching.

The Siege of 2020 – Sneak-Peek (The Forgotten Ancient Paths (Part I))

It took less than 300 years for Satan to accomplish a distinction between the Jews (Israel), and the new “chosen people of God” (the church). The efforts of the apostles in the first century, by the leading of the Holy Spirit and, in particular, Paul’s call to evangelize the Gentiles, were completely reversed. However, the scriptures clearly teach God’s unfolding plan for Gentiles to come into the fold of believers: “if you are in Christ, then you are Abraham’s seed, and heirs according to the promise” (Gal. 3:29, Rom. 10:12). Gentiles were to be grafted into the covenants of Israel (Rom. 11:11-24) and were not to get puffed up. They were to be grateful, as this was to be seen as a great privilege. And “there is neither Jew nor Greek… for you are all one in Christ Jesus” (Gal. 3:29).

Following the pattern of Judaism and its establishment of “man-made laws,” the Gentile church established a set of doctrinal codes (somewhat obtained from scripture) that would be helpful in guiding people in what they determined to be the perfect will of God, once again in direct opposition to the dire warnings of Christ’s and Paul’s instruction (Matt. 15:9, Col. 2:22, Mark 7:1-5, Heb. 13:9). These doctrines were not only formulated and arranged by men, but the early church fathers determined that the church was the final authority and could change God’s Word based on their own inclinations, the Hebrew Bible therefore being rendered of no effect.

Eusebius believed that the leadership under Constantine was a return of the Abrahamic era. The era of Moses only existed because of Jewish obstinacy. In Eusebius’s view, Jews were to be placed on the same footing as the Hellenistic crowd and should be doomed to a life of misery. This return to the Abrahamic mindset supported the belief that the Gentile church, now the sole heir of the promise of blessing, was, in fact, correct in its treatment of the “previous” chosen people who still retained the curses in the law. Of course, a candid interpretation of scripture would reveal quite the opposite. Christ, in His own words, organically connected His ministry and teaching with Moses, just as Moses told his congregation that Yehovah would raise up a prophet like him (John 5:46, Acts 26:22, Deut. 18:15-18).

Charting Satan’s course, he had failed in his attempt to cut the seed that would lead to a head-crushing event. He was also crippled at the cross of Christ, and his doom would be subject to Christ’s return. And he knows the nation of Israel and the Jewish people are fundamental in the playing out of God’s plan. There are many tools in Satan’s toolbox, with the most influential and destructive being anti-Semitism. He has instilled a hatred toward the Jewish people within the church and has upheld the notion that the Gentile church is the true Israel. With the church on this trajectory, Satan established a trend that not only continues but will escalate in its corruption of God’s Word and its principles, all leading toward widespread persecution and genocide.


2 responses to “THE FRACTURED CHURCH”

  1. Helen Verwey Avatar
    Helen Verwey

    When I was born again, I instantly felt love for the Jewish people. Despite all odds they had kept the Old Testament scriptures pure, from them came all the prophets, the early church and of course. Jesus. Jesus said we would be known by our love for each other. If we have hatred towards his family, we cannot be his followers! There are many false and deceived “churches” but only one body of Christ!

    1. Hi Helen,

      Thank you for your feedback. Interesting my next lesson in the study bites series discusses that very thing – that we love one another. Please feel free to subscribe. A new lesson in The Old Man series is being posted twice per month.

      The more I study God’s Word the more I feel secure in my faith – it is a remarkable ancient document.


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