Lesson 2 – Divine Order

In the biblical creation story, there was a close relationship between the Creator and the created, God supplied all of his needs for survival, gave him the job of having dominion, and gave him a partner, Eve. This gives us an idea of the order the Creator had set in place. Man was to have dominion over all that the Lord had created.

Before man was created however, the universe was created and an order was established. Without order, the universe would not function, and would ultimately self-destruct. Let’s use gravity as an example. One of the laws that defines how the universe operates is gravity. Simply put, it is the law of gravity and its attraction between the masses that holds the solar system in its orbital patterns. So all things created, like gravity, have an order that is defined. The instinct given to the animal world is similar, in that it is a behavior that operates below a conscious level, and therefore provides for a degree of order in that world.

The creation of the being “man” is no different. A defined order was created for this being, while also given a will to object to that order. Let’s see what that looks like.

Man’s Divine Order

In the next lesson we will look at the operation of the spirit, and the laws that govern it.


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