Vaccines and Recycling

What in the world does garbage recycling have to do with COVID vaccinations? An intriguing analogy of how humans have been slowly conditioned – AND it works.

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The Siege of 2020 – Sneak-Peek (Regime Change – Setting the Stage)

Years ago, local town councils distributed a different color garbage bin to households. This receptacle, called a recycle bin, was to collect trash items normally sent to a dump for the purpose of being sorted and recycled for other use. It was of no consequence that the collection center, or the process for recycling materials, was not in place. The truck that picked up the recycle bin dumped its contents in the same dump as the garbage truck. Why?

This brings us to an important matter, and the sixth item which has set the stage for regime change. Humans can be conditioned to behave in a pre-determined way. All you have to do is get them in the habit. Eventually the collection centers and processes were put in place to recycle those materials, and the truck carrying them was diverted to the recycle depot. But beforehand, the population was conditioned, trained, and in the habit. The population had accepted the new procedure—it is now part of everyday life. The coronavirus has provided the opportunity for just this acceptance of a new procedure.

Leading up to the regime change, there will be a requirement for everyone to accept a mark on their forehead or right arm. Without this mark a person will not be permitted to buy or sell, causing not only serious inconvenience, but for most, threatening their very survival. Whatever form the mark takes, make no mistake, accepting it will align that person with the ruler of this age—the one who will be replaced in the regime change. This is a serious matter, as they will also share the same destiny.

The same technique in gaining community acceptance of the recycle bin is being used to gain community acceptance of this mark. The mark is most likely to be a vaccine accompanied by an electronic passport. Similar to that used with pets, a scanner will detect and identify the person and verify the passport. This technology already exists and can be reconfigured for use in humans at any time (if it is not already being used in some countries). Currently, mobile devices are being used to identify and track people’s movements; this is just one step in the conditioning process. By the time this requirement comes into international law, it will be widely accepted by most people. Only those who recognize what it is will refuse it, many to their own short-term demise, but intern, their eternal security.

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