What Is The Story Of This Chart?

Since the middle of the twentieth century something has been happening that has only one explanation. The following excerpt from The Siege of 2020 will help clear up this mystery.

The Siege of 2020 – Sneak-Peek (The Patterns of Israel)

Once again, Jesus was speaking to the Jews within the religious culture of the Hebrew language and the Jewish setting of 2,000 years ago. His disciples knew exactly what He was speaking about, but it escapes most modern believers as they have little connection to the Hebraic roots of their faith. The fig tree is symbolic of the nation of Israel; this was well known and taught for generations. In the parable, Jesus said that when the fig tree (nation of Israel) puts forth its leaves, He is at the door. Well, we are in the time right now and the nation of Israel is in full bloom. Jesus also said that generation will witness His return. So how long is a generation?

The Bible indicates that a generation is between seventy and eighty years. Psalm 90 is attributed to the great leader and prophet, Moses. If that is true, it is the oldest Psalm of the whole collection. Moses compares the eternal existence of his creator with the coming and going of the life of a man; in the morning it grows, but by evening it is cut down. He sees the days of our lives as seventy years, with Psalm 90:10 saying, “And if by reason of strength they are eighty years, yet their boast is only labor and sorrow; For it is soon cut off, and we fly away.”

We have considered many comparisons between Israel and the United States in this book, so let’s look at the lifespan of a man in these two countries in modern times and how it compares with the word of God in Psalm 90. In the U.S. since the year 2,000, the average lifespan of a person is just over seventy-eight years old. In Israel for the same period, the average lifespan is just over eighty-two years. So, we can safely assume at this time in world history that the average lifespan of a human being is about eighty years. This validates the words of Moses from over 3,500 years ago. To support this, the chart shows overwhelmingly that the average lifespan of many nations has just recently converged on the eighty-year graph line. The other thing to note is that it has been a rapid and parallel move towards that eighty-year line since around 1948, when the fig tree started to sprout.


4 responses to “What Is The Story Of This Chart?”

  1. norman fant Avatar
    norman fant

    Wesley, my Cousin, interesting comments as I sometimes don’t understand the meanings of writings.

  2. Hey Norm, did you understand this?

  3. Deanne Graf Avatar
    Deanne Graf

    Is this related to the forming of the state of Israel in 1948? 80 years from 1948 takes us to this decade – very soon!

    1. Hi Deanne,
      Yes, there is no question as to what Jesus told His disciples about this. I cover this in detail in The Siege of 2020 as well as the history of the church and why it does not see what’s coming.

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